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BTW the Mac version is non-functional

Noted, I’ll look for a way to fix it. Unfortunately I don’t have a mac myself, so I’ll have to ask a friend.


Im sorry but when i download the android zip file i cannot open it is it my phone or something else ?? I really wanna play this game :(((

Deleted 18 hours ago

Just finished playing through all the routes, and I had a good time! Celene is such a gorgeous MC (Blue MC is a sweetheart!) and the boys also felt unique and precious in their own way. 

The group banter was one of my favorite part of the game, it really felt like they knew each other for a good amount of time, with some naturally butting heads or getting along swimmingly. I'm looking forward to the full game!


So glad you enjoyed! I have to admit that the dynamics between the guys is also some of my favorite to write (especially when they argue 🙈) thank you so much for playing and leaving such a lovely comment! Celene is gorgeous, and I’m glad you appreciated the blue personality! 💙

We’re working hard to take all feedback and make the main game the best it can be! ✨


I am absolutely in love with this game!! 

The concept of a visible/invisible MC is genius and I really hope more games hop on this bandwagon bc it's such a cool idea!

The boys are all so interesting, I adore them, but my goodness is the MC my favorite XD

They're beyond fascinating and so, so pretty, I love how expressive their sprites are and how multifaceted their personality can be! (Green MC is so funny without even trying, especially when romancing Lior or Greer. They have to take a moment to process and figure out how to react or respond lolll)

I devoured each and every scrap of lore and plot foreshadowing this game had to offer and I can't wait to see what the full game has in store in the future!

You've created a rich and immersive world with much to offer and vibrant, compelling characters that stand on their own and feel wonderfully real. You guys should be super proud of yourselves!!!

Good luck with the full game and thank you so much for sharing In Bloom with us! I look forward to replaying this many, many more times in the near future! 

Take care!! ^-^


thank you so much for such a lovely comment! It means so much that in a game with so many love interest the MC still has a place in your heart! 

There’s so much more to come for this series, and I’m happy people are resonating with even a small slice of it 😭 💞

Thank you again for all the good wishes, my team and I will hold them close while we work on the full game next year. 


Emile is my little meow meow 🥺


I shouldn't play favorites...but he's my favorite. He is a lil meow meow :3

Hello! love the game! tho I only played Wren's route so far and it's very cute. But in some parts the name of my Mc changed a few times. It went from Rey, to Celene to the name I choose. It's something minor but I thought I let you know. (I hope this is well writen, because I can read english, but I cannot speak or write very well)

Tysm Maria! I've fixed some of the bugs present in his route with the release of Emile's route this weekend. I am so glad you've enjoyed it so far! I hope that trend continues, and I appreciate you letting us know. Excited to hear your thoughts on the rest of the boys <3

idk if this has been addressed yet but during Glyph's route when you I assume de-transform out of angel form the screen goes black (also I love Percy <3)

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A way to skip the bug by happening is to fast forward until the scene is skipped

oh this is the first I’ve heard of this one? Were you playing as invisible Mc? And I’m glad you liked Percy <3

late response- but no, I had the fem body type


i do believe in percy supremacy

another converted 🙏 welcome to the Third Eye 👁️ 🛐


I can't wait for Percy. Great game. <3


The visible/invisible MC sprite is the very first I've ever seen...and it's such a great idea, how come I've never thought of that before??

Not that I'm any game dev, it's just I have seen so many VN's with no MC sprite for easy variance and customizability, but also losing a visible figure to present the MC...and the ones with one or two sprites to choose from but lacking character customization. (I personally wouldn't object to a given sprite, but surely there are many people who prefer otherwise.) A combined method is like a solution for both sides.

(PS: haven't played much of the game yet, but I just can't help commenting on this particular part XD)


thank you so much! I’m surprised it’s not more commonplace as it wasn’t that hard to implement. I hope the rest of the game is just as enjoyable 💞


beautiful, beautiful game with lots of laughter and tears (love all the routes we have now) I'm looking forward to get the other routes too <3 thank you so much for making such a master piece <3


awwww what a sweet review! I hope you enjoy the rest of the routes 💞 

I have played the entire game and did a re-run of all the routes and personalities! It was amazing, silly, and fun to enjoy. I hope to play the other routes when they come out! Very excited!


I’m so glad you enjoyed! Hope the other routes steal your heart 🫶

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The other routes have stolen my heart, but Wren's route won't load for me. I've downloaded and redownloaded again, extracted the files, and played the game but it doesn't say that Wren's route is out. Whenever I click yes to his route it just gives me a black screen.


huge apologies! The wrong file was uploaded yesterday. I’m at work currently so I won’t be able to fix it until I get home. There will be a devlog notification when I fix the issue. Apologies again, I’m happy you enjoyed the other routes 💞🥺


it’s been fixed now 🥰

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Thank you so much! I've been so eager to play Wren's route ever since I met him 😊 Ah but do take your time! It's okay!! It was just a simple mistake I am sure you are forgiven.

How do I download this through the itch app? Neither the studio or any of your games show up on there

I recommend this! Expect sweet and cozy slice-of-life stories with 3 distinct personalities you could play. Thank you for that! Want to note that the music is also very suitable to the situations on the screen. Also, can't wait for Percy's route :)

not another Percy enjoyer! 😭 jkjk thank you for the sweet comment and the rating! I hope you’ll enjoy the rest of what we have to offer 🙏

not sure if i'm missing something, enjoying the plot and characters so far but i picked up stiles' route and i feel like i'm missing a bit of context, is there an intended order of routes that i should play in?


oh no, it’s just a particularly lore heavy route in comparison. It’s mainly foreshadowing what the main game will be like. (Super lore heavy) most of the routes are slice of life-y (Percy’s is also quite plot heavy) 


Out ofo curiosity - is Lior trans? :3 I see some scars on his chest and was just wondering c: (or perhaps it was shading? though Greer's pecs don't look like that) 


Thanks for asking! Yes he is 😁❤️ Queer representation is important to our team of equally queer creators. The MC is also free to express any gender identity the player wants as Nephelim/Angels have no set gender. Whether they are agender or gender-fluid is up for personal interpretation ☺️

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Found one small mistake in the Lior route from the Red option, custom name was ignored for what I assume is the canon character name, included the screenshot, pushed below for those who wish to avoid spoilers. Edited to add other instances later in the route. 

thank you for this! I’ll be sure to fix it with the next set of routes. 🫶 also thank you for the incredibly kind rating 💞

Will there be a mac version available in the future?     


The art of the characters is SO stunning, everyone looks so distinctive and I love the music!! 

Celene is such a babe is actually distracting LMAOOO 

"the camp refuses to play along with Glyph's folk dance" I am going to scream be nice to the puppy RIGHT NOW 

aww I love the green choices!! they're really unique

wren's angry blushy face thank you for my LIFE it's so cute 

LMAOOOO green/lior is so fucking good I am eating this UP

LMAO greer not being able to say no to glyph's puppy eyes is hilarious 

no I am STILL in love with Green MC LMAOO it's just so good especially against the most flirty of the bunch 

I am getting a restraining order for Percy LMAOOOO this mf 

plucking out Tonino's eyes for even suggesting that celene is not perfect as she is!!! where is percy I know he would do it for me, restraining order lifted

A BULLET?????? I think Rey should get to have a gun actually 

omg stiles route is so emotional wahhhh 

OMG GIVING A HUG what if I cried 

this is such a good game and wahhhhh I can't wait for the rest of the routes!!!!

Hi Hi! Love the game so far, but I wanted to point out how the name of MC tends to break. Ive seen it a few times in Lior's route but this was the first example by one of my saves. 

Thank you so much for playing and for this bug report. Luckily this and many other bugs have been fixed and will be released alongside Stiles' route tomorrow! I hope you'll consider playing, and we will try to implement a google form to report bugs in the near future. <3

Unfortunately, it is impossible to read white letters on a white background :(

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The game is getting an update on Sunday with an additional route, this issue has been addressed in that update. So I hope you'll consider rechecking it out then. :)

Oh, that's amazing. If that's the case, then thank you very much!


usually i dont comment on things bc i say what i want in the rating section but i just wanted to point out how much i loved green mc because it's kinda rare to see multiple mc personalities working so well with all the different lis but in here green mc works SO WELL too (as far as i have played) and it's really refreshing (especially since i relate so much to that personality in specific...)


Len! Thank you so much for saying so! Green MC is extra special to us as well, as I have always loved AI/Alien/Supernatural characters who are fish out of water, but are also incredibly intelligent and objective. Yet entirely human despite what they might think of themselves 💞




okay, okay, okay



Well, first, the art was so lovely! I loved the sprite work, the CGs, the music, and even the GUI! It kind of created a connection with Lord of Lies, which is a great thing!

Now, for the two routes, they were all very adorable: the two routes available so far (Lior and Greer) are an introduction to them, and I think they both managed to pain intimacy with MC and to introduce us to the universe without yet revealing too much of the bigger story (in particular, Greer was heavier lore-wise).

One of the big features of this game is the possibility to react differently to a same event, depending on the personality, and I have to say, it was INSPIRING, I legit want to make an otome with a whole cast like that now sdfdfggb I really enjoyed how I could shape the relationships the MC had with the LIs (for example, I gave Rey a more fierce personality with Lior, while I made Celene quite enthusiastic but more introverted with Greer). It helped me appreciate even more Lior's HIGHLY SEDUCTIVE personality and Greer "hooligan with a heart of gold" one (okay the expression is questionable but that's the best I can come up with dfvdfg).

I just adored this demo, and I'm really looking forward to the rest of the game! I'm sure the writers whose routes aren't implemented yet also did a great work!! Congrats on this great game to the whole team!!!


AGH! I already thanked you for your review privately, but it means so much that you had a good time and are looking forward to the rest of the routes. Also, that the most important part of our game works and is inspiring? 😭 I genuinely always thought it was a fun idea, but wasn’t sure how it would work in practice and I’m glad it may become a trend in dating sims as I would love to play any dating sim with a similar system. 💞 My team is incredible and we have so much more to show 😁 thank you so much again 🙏 

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i'm so excited !!! meant to be studios back @ it again with a new cool game sjsjkjks

OMG tysm! I hope you'll enjoy it once it's out. Won't be too long now <3